Nikolay Poghosyan

Nikolay Poghosyan was born in 1984 in Yerevan. From 1996 to 2000 studied bassoon at Al. Hekimyan musical school. From 2000 to 2005 studied at Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory in the class of bassoon (Prof. Garry Mailyan’s class).
In 2009 N.Poghosyan participated in master classes with Gustavo Nunez. He is the winner of Emin Khachaturian Republic Contest of Chamber Ensembles. In 2011 Mr. Poghosyan participated in Young Euro Classic festival (Berlin) within the framework of “South Caucasus” program, where he performed jointly with musicians from Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Germany presenting Septet by Beethoven and Quintet for Piano by Mozart. In 2006, first performed Sonata for Bassoon and Piano by E.Hayrapetyan.
Since 2003 is working at the National Academic Theatre Opera and Ballet named after A.Spendiaryan, as solo bassoonist.
Since 2005 he is working at State Youth Orchestra of Armenia, now renamed as Armenian State Symphonic Orchestra.
2015-2019 studied at Yerevan State Conservatory named after Komitas, in the opera and symphonic conducting class (Professor Yuri Davtyan).
In January 2016 took master classes with the musicians of Berliner Philharmoniker.
On December 31, 2016 and January 02, 2017 in Haikou City, Chine was his debut as conductor, with the Armenian State Symphonic Orchestra.
In 2016 was awarded by the Gold Medal, by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia.